Roger Mayer Axis Fuzz

This is my honest review of the Roger Mayer Axis TC Fuzz. This isn’t one of those “demo” reviews where you only hear praise for the pedal. I really wanted to call out some flaws so that you would know what is good and bad because this isn’t a cheap pedal. I wanted to help people who are thinking of buying. Is it worth it? Watch and decide.

Buddy Guy Signature Crybaby Wah

This is my first product review! I really enjoy this pedal a lot and I highly recommend it. Sorry for the audio hiss; I’ll adjust for next time. Please leave comments and questions below. Find this pedal on Amazon:

I am playing a Japanese made Fender strat (60’s reissue).

The signal chain is: Guitar, Roger Mayer Axis TC, Buddy Guy Wah, Fulltone Deja Vibe 2, Fender Mustang 3 amp (Bassman setting).